Lugol's Iodine Dosage Chart. Lugols solution is taken orally by placing drops in a cup of water, typically for 2% iodine we recommend 6 drops per day. Please see our dosage chart for more details on on exact dosages for whatever it is you are trying to treat.
Lugol’s Iodine Dosage Iodine, Health fitness, Health from
Lugols solution is taken orally by placing drops in a cup of water, typically for 2% iodine we recommend 6 drops per day. Please see our dosage chart for more details on on exact dosages for whatever it is you are trying to treat. For lugol’s 1%, patients should take 1 drop/kg to a maximum of 40 drops (20 drops twice a day).
1 Lugol's iodine dosage chart
For Lugol’s 1%, Patients Should Take 1 Drop/Kg To A Maximum Of 40 Drops (20 Drops Twice A Day).
Please see our dosage chart for more details on on exact dosages for whatever it is you are trying to treat. Lugols solution is taken orally by placing drops in a cup of water, typically for 2% iodine we recommend 6 drops per day.